DuBay (ed.): The Classic Readability Studies; Impact Information, Costa Mesa (2006)
Accessed 2018-04-20 from
McLaughlin, G. H.: SMOG Grading - A New Readability Formula. Journal of Reading, May, 1969.
Accessed 2018-04-22 from
Geoffrey Marnell: Measuring Readability
Accessed 2018-04-20 from
Grefenstette, G. and Tapanainen, P.: What is a word, what is a sentence? problems of tokenization (1994)
Accessed 2018-04-20 from
Kiss & Strunk: Unsupervised Multilingual Sentence Boundary Detection
Computational Linguistics, Volume 32 Issue 4, December 2006, Pages 485-525
(This is the basis of the Punkt system)
Accessed 2018-04-22 from
Also found at:
A version that appears to be older is at a site of one of the authors:
Jordan Boyd-Graber post on the nltk-users Google group
Accessed 2018-04-20 from
Hettinger, Raymond post of Python Bloom filter code to the ActiveState Python Cookbook
Accessed 2018-04-22 from
But unfortunately, Hettinger’s helpful discussion of the code (at the first URI) has not been transferred to GitHub. I have included it in
in the source distribution and the GitHub repo of this package.Burton H. Bloom: Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 13 No. 7, July, 1970, pp. 422-426.
Retrieved 2018-04-22 from
Kirsch and Mitzenmacher: Less Hashing, Same Performance: Building a Better Bloom Filter (2006).
Accessed 2018-04-22 from
An earlier (much shorter) version is:
Humphries, Glenn: Syllabification: The Division of Words into Syllables.
Accessed long ago from (page no longer available)
Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto: A Syllabification Algorithm for Spanish, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 5th International Conference, CICLing 2004 Seoul, Korea, February 15-21, 2004 Proceedings, published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) vol. 2945 (Springer), pp. 412-415.
Accessed 2018-04-20 from
Law, Gwillim: Error in the Fernandez Huerta Readability Formula. LINGUIST List 22.2332.
Accessed 2018-03-25 from
Barrio Cantalejo, Inés Mª: Legibilidad y salud: los métodos de medición de la legibilidad y su aplicación al diseño de folletos educativos sobre salud. (Doctoral Thesis, 2007)
Accessed 2018-04-22 from